amusing portrait of dog shedding hair concept

How to Stop a Dog from Shedding So Much

How to Stop a Dog from Shedding So Much

According to WebMD, it’s essential for your dog to shed for the sake of their skin and fur health. They remove old and damaged hair when they shed. Of course, you want your dog to be healthy, but wow, do they really have to shed all over your couch, carpet and car? You love your furry friend, but you don’t love all that fur. Keep reading to learn how to stop your dog from shedding so much.

Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much?

You might feel like no matter how much you clean up after your dog, you still spend hours vacuuming your home. You’re picking fur out of your clothes. There’s just hair everywhere. Before we talk about how to manage your dog’s shedding and even try to minimize shedding in the first place, it’s important to understand why dogs shed so much.

Why Is My Dog Shedding So Much

  • It’s Natural — Yes, cleaning dog hair is cumbersome. Just remember the next time you’re picking off fur from your clothing with the best pet hair remover you ordered online that your dog is shedding fur because it’s totally natural for them to do so. When dogs shed their fur, they’re doing so because they need to grow new fur. This allows damaged or old hair to be replaced with newer, healthier strands. That way, your dog’s coat remains in good shape.
  • Poor Diet — We are what we eat, and if your dog has a poor diet, it’ll affect their fur, too. If your dog is dehydrated and not drinking enough water, their fur can become dry and brittle. That can lead to excessive shedding and breakage.
  • Reaction to Parasites — Parasites, particularly mites, can lead to hair loss all over your dog’s body. 
  • Allergies — If you’ve introduced new shampoo or a new diet to your dog, it’s possible that they could be allergic to some new product. They could have chronic inflammation from allergies, leading to itching, damaging their skin and excess shedding.
  • Pregnancy — Your female dog might be pregnant! Pregnant dogs shed a lot of fur when they’re pregnant or shortly after they give birth. If you know your dog is pregnant or think they might be pregnant, don’t be alarmed if you see them shedding a lot of fur.
  • Illness — Excess shedding can be a sign that your dog is sick. When in doubt, ask your vet for their opinion. It could be a variety of different illnesses or an allergic reaction. It could be general skin irritation. Perhaps your dog is stressed and shedding a lot of fur as a reaction to their stress. Your vet can help narrow down any potential illnesses or causes behind their excess shedding or to help determine if their amount of shedding is within an expected range.

How to Stop Your Dog From Shedding

The truth is that you won’t be able to stop your dog from shedding completely unless you have a totally hairless dog. Now that you know that dogs that shed an expected amount of hair are totally normal for them, there are things you can do to help minimize over-shedding. An ounce of prevention, as they say, will help reduce the amount of cleaning you’ll have to do in the long run. Let’s look at how to stop your dog from shedding so much.

How to Stop Your Dog From Shedding

  • Your Dog’s Lifestyle — Ensure your dog is eating well, drinking plenty of water and getting regular exercise. If you do decide to change your dog’s diet, be sure to consult with your veterinarian for advice. The switch should be performed slowly to prevent any digestive upset during the transition.
  • Supplements — Be sure to ask your vet for advice on the proper dosage of any supplements your dog can take to help improve their coat quality. Some general recommendations are Omega 6 fatty acids and Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 6 fatty acids help improve coat quality, but most dog food and dog treats are chock full of Omega 6. Omega 3 fatty acids are a commonly used supplement. They’re usually derived from fish oils and can help support joint, heart and immune health as well.
  • Bathe Your Dog — Have your dog join in on the rubber ducky fun. The lathering and rinsing in the bath will help loosen their hair. If you have trouble bathing your dog at home or don’t want their dog hair clogging up your bathtub drain, consider bringing them to a professional groomer. Bathing should be done either monthly or once a quarter.
  • Consider Dog Hair Type — You need the right tool for the right type of hair. For dogs that have medium, long or curly hair, such as Golden Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels, you can use a slicker brush with fine, short wires. For dogs with thicker hair, like Chow Chows and German Shepherds, you can use rake brushes that are shaped like a razor with tightly-spaced pins. For dogs with short, smooth hair that frequently shed, like Pugs and Jack Russell Terriers, try bristle brushes with tightly-packed natural bristles. Need a brush to remove pet hair from your furniture or clothing? Try the simple Uproot Cleaner Pro™ tool for easy dog fur removal. Any of our Uproot Clean products can be used to brush excess fur off your dog, as well as remove fur from clothes, furniture, your car and so on.
  • Groom Your Dog Regularly — Grooming your dog regularly will help reduce the amount of fur that they shed. Brushing your dog’s hair will reduce the amount of shedding they’ll need to do to get rid of their old hair. When you groom your dog’s hair, you’re loosening and removing unhealthy old hair. Doing so will disperse your dog’s natural oils, leading to a shiny and healthy coat. You can brush your dog on a weekly basis.
  • Consult Your Vet — While regularly grooming and bathing your dog continues to be a recommended part of their hygiene routine, if you’re not sure why your dog is shedding too much or maybe not even enough, consult your vet. Your vet can help guide you through any reasons why your dog is shedding too much or not enough. They may recommend a new diet or make changes to their grooming routine.
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How to Manage Your Dog’s Shedding

Dog’s shed for a whole host of reasons. It could be due to a change in the seasons when they’re transitioning from their heavy winter coat to their lighter summer coat. It could be just because of your dog’s breed. A husky is much more likely to shed heavily than a poodle. The question is: how do you manage your dog’s shedding? From breaking out the portable vacuum to using a dog hair remover brush, we have all the tips and tricks you need to help clean up your dog’s excess fur.

How to Manage Your Dog’s Shedding

  • Use a Pet Hair Removal Tool — There’s hair on your pants. There’s hair on the couch. It’s on your car seats when you take Buddy for a drive. What’s a pet parent to do? Just use a pet hair removal tool. No batteries or complicated instructions. Start using it and you’ll see the fur lift up from your couch. You can actually use it on your pet as a brush to remove any excess fur as well.
  • Try Rubber Gloves — If you currently use a rubber glove in the kitchen, use a rubber glove to help remove pet hair. You can use it on clothing, furniture and other surfaces. Just put on the glove and run it over the surface. The dog hair will end up in clumps on your glove, so just throw out that clump of dog hair. Make sure to only rub in one direction so you get the most out of the friction and static cling. A slightly damp glove can help remove embedded fur from clothing.
  • Rubber Mat — Get your dog to do the downward dog on a rubber mat like a yoga mat. When you’re on the way to the vet or the park, just put down a yoga mat in the rear seats or trunk of your car. Your dog will love lying down on this mat.
  • Put on Seat Covers — If you have a car, use a seat cover to help prevent pet hair and other debris from building up. Choose seat covers in dark colors so you can easily spot any dog fur. You’ll want seat covers that can easily be put on and taken off when you need to occasionally wash and dry them.
  • Throw on Towels — As an alternative to seat covers, you can put towels down on your car seat or any furniture at home. Use old towels that you don’t mind getting dog hair all over. When your dog is no longer on the towel, you can reuse it by washing and drying it. Cleaning the dog towel in the washer and dryer will also help remove excess dog fur.
  • Vacuum — When vacuuming up dog hair, you’ll want to use a specific attachment to really get in there on the dog hair. Try the vacuum nozzle with rubber bristles. A handheld vacuum cleaner will help get into the more stubborn areas of your home.
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How Much Hair Loss Is Too Much?

While it’s natural for your dog to shed their hair, there is such a thing as too much shedding. If you’re worried that your dog is shedding too much of their fur, here are some signs that your dog is possibly losing too much of their hair.

  • Signs Your Dog Is Shedding Too Much Hair — An unbalanced or poor quality diet can lead to too much shedding. You’ll see signs such as dandruff and a dull, dry coat. Fleas can damage your dog’s skin and cause itching. As your dog itches, they’ll be scratching off their fur. Always ask a vet for advice, but excessive shedding can be a sign of an underlying medical problem that’s causing damage to your dog’s skin.

Importance of Managing Your Dog’s Shedding

Just like humans need to take care of their hygiene daily, it’s important for you to manage your dog’s grooming in a healthy, routine way. There are plenty of benefits for both your pup and you that you’ll have when you start building a routine to manage their shedding.

Importance of Managing Your Dog’s Shedding

  • Beneficial for Their Health — We can’t emphasize enough how beneficial grooming can be for their health. They’ll have a beautiful, shiny coat. They’ll get rid of old, excess fur. Their health is holistic from eating well, getting plenty of water and exercising. They’ll look great and feel even better.
  • Bonding with Your Dog — When we think about bonding with our dog, we think about going for a walk or playing fetch. Grooming your dog can also become a great bonding experience for both of you. They’ll enjoy the feeling of you combing through their hair. While they may not be a big fan of baths, there’s something unforgettable about the sight and feel of a wet dog shaking their fur after a nice bath. These are the kinds of memories you’ll look back on fondly.
  • Save Time and Effort with a Pet Hair Removal Tool — Grooming and cleaning up after your dog doesn’t have to be a drag. If you want to save time and effort (don’t we all?), just use a portable pet hair remover. This pet hair remover is the ultimate tool for removing pet hair on the go. Those small, hard-to-reach places like staircase corners are no match for Uproot Clean’s pet hair removal tools.
  • It’s Fun! — Grooming doesn’t have to be boring. Using the right kind of pet hair removal tool can be fun. Build it into your regular cleaning routine. Put on some music. Dance around. Turn it into a game. Chores don’t have to feel like a chore. 

Uproot Clean has affordable and easy-to-use multi-purpose pet hair removal tools that will work on any fabric that is not knitted. Carpets, furniture, coats, you name it! It’s a complete no-brainer for any pet parent. While vacuuming helps pick up all that surface dirt, debris and hair, our pet hair removers easily get in the nooks and crannies of your home. Say goodbye to stress and hello to your new best friend to help clean up after your best furry friend.


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Zuzanna Paluch/